Yallah Mussar! Nature & Art


Yallah יאללה is an Arabic phrase that is widely used in Israel, meaning, “let’s go!” My translation is… “let’s make it happen!” (Imagine it being said with enthusiasm and an ear-to-ear smile.)
Together, we will explore text, interacting with each other, brainstorming and flashing new insights. There will be no recording, so come to the room where it happens!
New and afficionado participants are welcome to join our warm, welcoming community. We’ll explore wisdom texts, ponder together, take personal time to ground intentions, share and inspire each other.

We’ll continue the tradition of an open-hearted, inquisitive, non-judgemental and confidential community. We’ll study some text, share insights, and take time in break-through rooms to ponder questions, and express our own thoughts. All answers are correct and will hopefully lead you down a path of self-discovery.


For those that celebrate other faith traditions, please come!  The learning will apply to stepping forward with our best self and inevitably, you will have insights to enrich the learning.

Hurrah for tiered pricing. Please evaluate with honor and integrity, your ability to support this learning community. All are welcome. 

Supporter =  $25 per zoom session
All-in = $18 per zoom session,
Affirmative Equity = $12 per zoom session,
Count my shekel = Everyone counts – what’s your nickel in the game? Let’s chat by e-mail: nina – at – pitome – dot – com.

Bring your curiosity. All are welcome.
New participants encouraged. 

SKU: MussarPray-1-1-1 Categories: ,


You’re invited to ground your Mussar Muse in nature and art as teacher. We’ll tap into beauty, making room for the gifts in our midst.
In this session, we’ll incorporate
text study, neurobiology, ethics, and intricacies of the human heart. Thankfully, we have an 1100 year-old treasure trove of Jewish wisdom practice to enjoy and inspire us.

We have a mailiing list for occasional updates (no spam!) – click on “Mussar Muse – Lifelong Learner” to get alerts.

This session will meet by zoom. Registered participants will receive a private zoom log-in link.

Let’s connect and reconnect:
Wednesday, June 21, commencing learning at 4 pm PST / 7 pm EST.
We will meet for 75 minutes.
The zoom room will open 15 minutes prior to interactive learning.

Mark your calendars for August 16


Additional information

Sign Me Up

Supporter, All In, Affirmative Equity, Count My Shekel